Why I Speak

Writing is how I speak. For so long I was unable to express myself with my physical voice so I did so by putting words to paper. There was a time when even that became too much. I was afraid of the truth that my words conveyed and the pain that they would cause to those I love. So I stopped writing all together thus I stopped having a voice of any kind. Recently I have allowed myself to write the story of my life even though at times I am still so afraid.

I find that I’m often speaking of the pain of childhood abuse and of being in a generational cycle of said abuse. I chose to break free of that cycle long ago and found a strength in myself that once, I had imagined could never exist. Still, I hold onto so much of the pain that came from my experiences and the mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, that have stem from them. I hope that by speaking and feeling my own truth, I can show others that they can break free as well.

Write it, paint it, sing it, SCREAM IT, Speak it. Release it my loves.

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